Betts Fit High Impact Sports Bra | Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

We are saddened and outraged by the systemic racial injustices that Black Indigenous and People of Color experience. Black lives matter.

We've been reflecting on how to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion into our policies as we build our company. We're educating ourselves on how to be an ally. We understand that action is necessary for change.

As former female D1 collegiate athletes passionate about gender equity in sports, we co-founded BettsFit to build a company based on our values of freedom, sustainability, and optimism.  As a Tahoe based startup we commit to being an ally for diverse voices in the outdoor industry.

We've initiated the process to pledge our commitment to 
#DiversifyOutdoors by:

1) hiring and supporting a diverse workforce and leadership
2) using representative marketing and advertising
3) engaging and supporting broadly representative ambassador teams

This is just the beginning in our commitment to elicit change by acknowledging, educating, and taking action.

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